Homework #8
- Complete your work on green engineering paper
- Staple in upper left if more than one sheet.
- Format the top of the first sheet as follows.
ECE 383 | [Your name] | HW#9 | [Due Date] | [Page ref]
The page reference for the first page of a four page document would be 1/4, the
second page of this document would be labeled 2/4 and so on.
- Do not write on the back side of the green engineering paper
- Digital copies of all code, testbenches, and waveforms will also be submitted via BitBucket.
Design the control unit for the keyboard scancode converter started in
lecture 11. Integrate it into the code and run a testbench showing
two buttons pressed - not the same ones that the existing testbench
Note: Line 10 of the mini-C "scan = shift[9-2]" implies the variable "scan" should be a register.
Make the 8-bit output scan code be the output of an 8-bit register in
your datapath, such that on system reset its value is 0x00 and it does not change
until the final 8-bit scan code is known (when busy goes low).
Turn in:
- Hand-drawn datapath
- Hand-drawn state diagram for the control unit.
- The complete control word table for your design.
- Hardcopy and digital copy of the VHDL describing your control unit
- Hardcopy and digital Image of your testbench output in Isim showing the
following signals - remove all other signals.
- clk
- reset
- keyboard clock
- keyboard data
- control unit state
- Status word
- Control word
- busy signal
- shift register
- scan code
- keyCntr