Electrical and Computer Engineering 383 - Embedded Systems II

Course Policies and Administration


Dr. George York
Office: 2E46
Phone: 333-4210
E-mail: george.york@usafa.edu

Course Goals

  1. Cadets shall design, build, and debug hardware / software to drive peripheral devices.
  2. Cadets shall design, build, and debug an advanced digital system. Three different approaches will be taken: (a) a fully custom-built hardware solution, (b) using a general-purpose software processor, and (c) using a general-purpose software processor combined with custom-built hardware.
  3. Express the tradeoffs between choosing a microcontroller versus a custom digital system.

Course Objectives

  1. Design and implement a complex, structured, synthesizable digital system that meets defined requirements.
  2. Use contemporary software tools to debug a digital system design and verify that a digital system meets defined requirements.
  3. Apply structured design techniques to design functional hardware interfaces and to provide the basis for efficient, modular software programs.
  4. Analyze and describe the timing, clock, and synchronization requirements for a given digital system.
  5. Design and implement a digital system using: (a) a fully custom-built hardware solution, (b) using a general-purpose software processor, and (c) using a general-purpose software processor combined with custom-built hardware.
  6. Evaluate, analyze, and modify a given digital system to improve area, power, or speed.
  7. Express the tradeoffs between choosing a microcontroller versus a custom digital system.

Course Prerequisites

ECE 382 - Embedded Systems I

Course Materials and Websites

Extra Instruction (EI) Policy

Schedule EI with your instructor if you are having difficulty with the course material. You must have read the assignment and attempted the homework before requesting EI. Note: You are responsible for material if you miss class, so get notes from someone in your section. For example, if you miss the lesson where your instructor announces a quiz for the next lesson or the instructor assigns homework due next lesson, you are still responsible for the quiz, homework, or any other assignments made. It is in your best interest to check with your classmates after an absence. After you've read the assignment, attempted the homework, and checked with your classmates, you may then schedule EI if you have difficulty with the material - not to make up class.

CAS Policy

You must request permission from your instructor for any class absence (with a descriptive reason - don't just send the SCA number) as soon as possible, preferably before the absence occurs. You must use e-mail or Teams to notify your instructor.

Collaboration Policy

For all assignments in this course, you may work with any faculty members or students currently enrolled in ECE383 unless otherwise indicated. We expect all graded work, to include software programs, wired circuits, lab notebooks, and written reports, to be your own work. If they aren't, you've copied and will receive no academic credit even if the copying is documented. Further, copying without attribution is dishonorable and will be dealt with as a suspected honor code violation. As in all courses, cadets must document any assistance received in the execution of graded work. If you receive no assistance on an assignment, the use of the Documentation: None statement is mandatory. If no documentation statement exists, the assignment will be returned for correction and the work will be considered at least one day late.


Reading assignments are provided in the syllabus and should be done prior to class. Homework problems are provided in the syllabus and will usually be collected and graded in gradescope.


The labs in this course are very hardware intensive. A disciplined approach to design, implementation and testing are key to your success! The Big Bang method, or wiring and coding something up and debugging it until it works, usually does not work. We do allow you to turn in incomplete labs, but up to 25% can be deducted for not meeting requirements (See lab grading and late work policies below).


All exams are closed textbook and notes. Both laboratory and classroom work will appear on exams. For missed GRs, the following policies are outlined:


This course is designed to help in your development as a computer or an electrical engineer. As such, we introduce economic considerations as well as manufacturability and sustainability during the first half of the semester and re-emphasize these as we progress through the semester. Feel free to provide feedback on the lessons and labs at any time. If you have ideas to improve or enhance the course, please let me know. The class builds on concepts from the prerequisites so it is important for you to seek help as soon as you need it. Procrastination is truly the enemy in a hardware design course. A little foresight and planning and a lot of effort will result in an extremely rewarding experience serving as the basis for future microprocessor design work.


Grading will primarily be performed in Gradescope, with official grades listed in Blackboard.

Grade Distribution and Policy

Prog Final
GRs 40 (1) 25 (2)
Lab 1 20 10
Lab 2 20 10
Lab 3 0 10
Lab 4 10
Quizzes / Assignments 20 10
Final Project 25
Subjective 0
TOTAL 100 100
Grade Max (Exclusive) Min (Inclusive)
A 100 93
A - 93 90
B + 90 87
B 87 83
B - 83 80
C + 80 77
C 77 73
C - 73 70
D 70 60
F 60 0

Late Work

All work is due as shown on the assignment or specified by your instructor. If problems arise with graded assignments, see your instructor in advance, especially if you would like to request an extension. Assignments turned in later than the due date without prior permission from the instructor will be penalized as follows (note there is no distinction between "Duty Day" or "Day":

How Late? Penalty
0 - taps on date due 10% (new for 2024)
taps - 24 Hours 25%
24 - 48 Hours 50%
48 - 72 Hours 75%
> 72 Hours 100%

This course is designed to help you in your development as an electrical and computer engineer. Feel free to provide feedback on the lessons and labs at any time. If you have ideas to improve or enhance the course, please let me know. The class builds on concepts from the prerequisites, so it's important that you seek help as soon as you need it. Procrastination is truly the enemy in any engineering course. A little foresight and planning and a lot of effort will result in an extremely rewarding experience serving as the basis for future embedded systems design work.

Good luck!