Start date: January 19/20
End date: January 27/28
Lab: 1
Status Complete
Lab 1 CutsheetECE_383_Lab1_Cutsheet.pdf
Lab 1 Supplemental PowerPointLab 1 Supplement and Clock Tutorial.pptx
Lab 1 Editable Block DiagramECE383_Lab1_Block_Diagram_v2.pptx

Lab 1 - Video Synchronization

Lab Overview

In this lab, you will write a VGA controller in VHDL and implement it on your FPGA development board. You will be provided a VGA-to-HDMI module that will automatically format your output for the HDMI output port on your development board. This VGA controller will be tasked to generate the display portion of an oscilloscope as shown in the figure below. The scope face consists of a white grid, used to measure the signals, two trigger markers, and the waveforms. The grid shall contain 11 vertical lines and 9 horizontal lines. In this lab, the waveforms will be artificially generated by your code, but in later labs, the waveforms will be generated by incoming audio waveforms.
Figure 3

VGA Overview

Video Graphics Array (VGA) is an interface protocol used to transmit analog video data to a screen. The VGA protocol uses a scanning method to project an image on the screen. Starting in the top-left of the screen, the monitor will progressively move from left to right, top to bottom to display each pixel. The following signals must be sent to a VGA monitor in order to display an image.
  1. red, green, blue - three separate analog voltage signals indicating the amount of each color to display in the current pixel. These signals are sometimes abbreviated as RGB.
  2. h_sync - Horizontal synchronization signal that tells the screen to start writing pixels to the next line
  3. v_sync - Vertical synchronization signal that tells the screen that the current video frame is completed. The screen then starts writing pixels to the top-left of the screen.
Both synchronization signals contain four unique states: active_video, front_porch, sync_pulse, and back_porch. Incoming pixel data (through the RGB channels) is only displayed during the active_video state of the synchronization signals.

Internally, you will use a 25MHz clock as your pixel_clk. On the rising edge of this clock, when both the h_sync and v_sync signals are in the active_video state, you will place the RGB values you want the screen to display for that pixel. During all other states, the RGB values must be "0".
Figure 1

Figure 1: The h_sync signal contains four states. Pixel data is only displayed on the monitor during the active_video state. During all other state, the RGB values must be "0".

The v_sync signal looks nearly identical to the h_sync signal, however it is significantly stretched out in time. Where the h_sync signal was counted in terms of pixel_clk, the v_sync signal is counted based on iterations of the h_sync signal. For example, in Figure 2, the active_video portion is active for 480 complete iterations of the h_sync signal.

Figure 2

Figure 2: The v_sync signal is similar to h_sync, but instead of counting based on pixel_clk, the states are based on the number of iterations of the h_sync signal. Pixel data is only displayed on the monitor during the active_video state. During all other state, the RGB values must be "0".

More details on the VGA protocol can be found at This link provides the exact numbers needed to generate the correct timing pulse signals for any VGA resolution. And this youtube video illustrates how the old CRT works: How a TV Works in Slow Motion - The Slow Mo Guys .


In order to get you going in this lab, some of the VHDL code has been provided for you. In most cases, you should refrain from changing the modules given. In order to get a better understanding how these modules interact with one another, the following section provides a schematic and the input, output and behavior of some of the modules.


The design of Lab 1 is broken down into separate modules, some of which are provided for you and some which you will need to create. The interconnection of the modules is illustrated in the following schematic. When a signal name appears just inside a box, that should should correspond to the name of that signal in the entity description. Please note there are a few omissions in the diagram that you should correct as part of your documentation (see Turn-In section).

There are two modules which will constitute the majority of your work, VGA and scopeFace. The following two subsections details the behavior of these two modules.

The VGA module

Your main task is to build the VGA component for Lab1. This component sweeps across the display from left to right, and then return to the left side of the next lower row. The VGA interface determines the color of each pixel on this journey with the help of the scopeFace component.
entity vga is
	Port(	clk: in  STD_LOGIC;
			reset_n : in  STD_LOGIC;
			h_sync : out  STD_LOGIC;
			v_sync : out  STD_LOGIC; 
			blank : out  STD_LOGIC;
			r: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
			g: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
			b: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
			trigger_time: in unsigned(9 downto 0);
			trigger_volt: in unsigned (9 downto 0);
			row: out unsigned(9 downto 0);
			column: out unsigned(9 downto 0);
			ch1: in std_logic;
			ch1_enb: in std_logic;
			ch2: in std_logic;
			ch2_enb: in std_logic);
end vga;
clk This is the 25Mhz pixel clock generated by the DCM in the video module.
reset_n This is the same active high reset signal passed into the top level Lab1 module.
tr_volt This is a 10-bit unsigned value representing the trigger voltage. This value is passed to the scopeFace module so that a yellow arrow (see Trigger Level Marker in the screen show) on the vertical axis.
tr_time This is a 10-bit unsigned value representing the trigger time. This value is passed to the scopeFace module so that a yellow arrow (see Trigger Time Marker in the screen show) on the horizontal axis.
ch1 This 1-bit signal signals the VGA module to draw the channel 1 signal on the scope for this row, column pixel. When the value is 1, draw a yellow pixel on the display at the current row,colum position. When 0, do not draw a pixel.
ch1_enb This 1-bit signal enable the ch1 signal to be drawn.
ch2 This 1-bit signal signals the VGA module to draw the channel 2 signal on the scope for this row,column pixel. When the value is 1, draw a green pixel on the display at the current row, column position. When 0, do not draw a pixel.
ch2_enb This 1-bit signal enable the ch2 signal to be drawn.
R The 8-bit red intensity for this row,column pixel on the screen.
G The 8-bit green intensity for this row,column pixel on the screen.
B The 8-bit blue intensity for this row,column pixel on the screen.
Row The current row being drawn on the display.
Column The current row being drawn on the display.
blank The blank signal for the current row,column position. Its the logical OR of the h_blank and v_blank signals.
h_synch The h_synch signal for the current row,column position.
v_synch The v_synch signal for the current row,column position.
Behavior The VGA component contains a pair of cascaded counters which generate the row and column values of the current pixel being displayed. The row and column values are used to generate the blank, h_synch and v_synch signals according to the Figures above. The scopeFace component (more on this below), takes the row and column values (along with some other information) and generates the R,G,B color of that pixel. The three muxes on the output of the R,G,B output of the scopeFace component output the scopeFace R,G,B values for row,column values within the 640x480 displayable region, or 0's for values outside this region.

The scopeFace module

Inside the VGA module sits an instance of the scopeFace entity. This entity only contains combinational logic. When given a row,column pair, its responsible for generating the R,G,B value of that pixel.
entity scopeFace is
    Port ( row : in  unsigned(9 downto 0);
           column : in  unsigned(9 downto 0);
			  trigger_volt: in unsigned (9 downto 0);
			  trigger_time: in unsigned (9 downto 0);
           r : out  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
           g : out  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
           b : out  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
			  ch1: in std_logic;
			  ch1_enb: in std_logic;
			  ch2: in std_logic;
			  ch2_enb: in std_logic);
end scopeFace;
clk This is the 25Mhz pixel clock generated by the DCM in the video module.
reset_n This is the same active high reset signal passed into the top level Lab1 module.
tr_volt This is a 10-bit unsigned value representing the trigger voltage. This value is passed to the scopeFace module so that a yellow arrow (see Trigger Level Marker in the screen show) on the vertical axis.
tr_time This is a 10-bit unsigned value representing the trigger time. This value is passed to the scopeFace module so that a yellow arrow (see Trigger Time Marker in the screen show) on the horizontal axis.
ch1 This 1-bit signal signals the VGA module to draw the channel 1 signal on the scope for this row, column pixel. When the value is 1, draw a yellow pixel on the display at the current row,column position. When 0, do not draw a pixel.
ch1_enb This 1-bit signal enable the ch1 signal to be drawn.
ch2 This 1-bit signal signals the VGA module to draw the channel 2 signal on the scope for this row,column pixel. When the value is 1, draw a green pixel on the display at the current row, column position. When 0, do not draw a pixel.
ch2_enb This 1-bit signal enable the ch2 signal to be drawn.
R The 8-bit red intensity for this row,column pixel on the screen.
G The 8-bit green intensity for this row,column pixel on the screen.
B The 8-bit blue intensity for this row,column pixel on the screen.
Row The current row being drawn on the display.
Column The current column being drawn on the display.
Behavior The scopeFace component takes in the current row,column coordinates of the display and generates the R,G,B values at that screen coordinate. For example, if row,column = 20,20 then the R,G,B output should be 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF (white) because the upper left corner of the O'scope grid display is white. Note, you can get the RGB values for common colors at this web site.


Your Digilent board will have a lot of connections required to make this lab work. The image below shows how I made these connections to get the lab to work.

Gate Checks

There are 2 gate checks associated with this lab, each worth 5 points - see the rubric below. This year we will use Gradescope to track when you complete the milestones.

Gate Check 1

By COB Lesson 6, you must have finished setting up the VGA counters to generate the proper rows and columns on the waveform. This can be shown with waveform screenshots from the VGA testbench showing the h count rolling over causing the v count to increment. Be sure to also show both max counts. You must implement the two counters similar to the method implemented for the counters in Homework 4.

Gate Check 2

By COB Lesson 7, you must have setup the appropriate v_synch, v_blank, h_synch, and h_blank signals on the waveform and created the scopeFace module to draw at least one line on the display. Include picture of the line on the display and associated .bit file for the scopeFace module proof. Additionally, include screenshots of waveforms showing: Upload these products to bitbucket. Demo can be live to your instructor or an image uploaded to bitbucket.

Required Functionality

For Required Functionality your code must generate the white oscilloscope grid pattern shown in the Figure above and draw the two channels of traces. To test this draw: Upload these products to bitbucket. You need to draw the channel 1 trace (yellow) along a diagonal where (row = column). The channel 2 trace (green) should be drawn along a diagonal where (row = 440-column). This test code should be placed in the Lab1 entity (not in scopeface). Demo can be live to your instructor or a video uploaded to Streams.

A-level functionality

A-level functionality is shown in the Figure in the Lab Overview section at the top of the page. In addition to drawing the display, the display must update when one of the buttons is pressed according to the list below. In order to achieve this level of functionality, you will need to implement the two Process blocks in the Lab1 entity in the schematic. These buttons do not need to be "debounced." However, if you debounce your buttons properly you can earn 3 bonus points.

You can earn another 3 bonus points for demonstrating you can create the timing for the HDMI format in addition to the VGA format. You would still do the lab with the VGA specs (and scopeface assuming a 640x480 screen), but then slightly modify your clock_wiz, counters, horz_sync, vert_sync, blank to make one of the HDMI formats work (like 1280x720 or 1920x1080). You DO NOT need to update your scopeface (so your current grid will appear tiny on the upper left corner of the monitor). Warning: we haven't attempt this yet... You will be the first! See the table at this link for the HDMI specs:

Upload these products to bitbucket. Demo can be live to your instructor or a video uploaded to Streams.

Turn In

All your work in this lab is to be uploaded to Bitbucket and you will make submission in Gradescope to record the time each milestone is completed. The main part of the lab is your README, documenting your design. The README can be in markdown, word, or a pdf, and should be uploaded to bitbucket. Your README must include the following:

Grading - Lab 1

Item Points
Gate Check 1 5
Gate Check 2 5
Required Functionality 35
A Functionality 15
Use of Git / Bitbucket 5
Code Style 10
Total 100