Start date: February 7/8
End date: February 15/16
Lab: 2
Status Complete
Lab 2 Editable Block DiagramECE383_Lab2_Block_Diagram.pptx
lab2_block_diagram.vsdx (Visio file)
Lab 2 Supplemental PowerPointECE_383_Lab2.pdf

Lab 2 - Data Acquisition, Storage and Display

Lab Overview

In this lab, we will integrate the video display controller developed in Lab 1 with the audio codec on the Nexys Video board to build a basic 2-channel oscilloscope. When complete, your lab should generate an output similar to the picture below.


Just like the design of Lab 1, Lab 2 is broken down into a bunch of separate modules, shown in the block diagram below. Some of the components in the block diagram will be given to you and some you created in Lab 1. It is important to note that some of the components and signals associated with this diagram will not be needed for Lab 2, but have been included because you will need them in Labs 3 and 4.

Consider the data in the diagram as flowing from left to right. You will provide an input signal to the Nexys board via a 3.5mm cable connected to the blue line-in jack. This signal then passes through an Analog Devices ADAU1761 SigmaDSP Audio Codec. The ADAU1761 samples the audio input at 48kHz into separate 18-bit 2's complement left and right channels. The ADAU1761 then transfers this data to our Artix 7 chip over a serial bus through the 7 signals on the left side of the Lab2 component. You can read more about the audio codec on page 27 of the Nexys Video manual (here).

The serial protocol coming from the audio codec is quite complex, so you will be given the Audio Codec Wrapper component as an interface to extract the incoming signal (Audio Codec Wrapper in the Figure above). Whenever new converted data is ready from the Audio Codec, the ready signal will go high for a single clock cycle. Your circuit will then do two things with the incoming L_bus_out and R_bus_out signals: First, it will loop both of these signals back into the Audio Codec so that you can verify (by listening on the green line-out jack) that the Audio Codec hardware and firmware are operating correctly. This is accomplished using the VHDL code below.
    process (clk)
	if (rising_edge(clk)) then
	    if reset_n = '0' then
		L_bus_in <= (others => '0');
		R_bus_in <= (others => '0');				
	    elsif(ready = '1') then
		L_bus_in <= L_bus_out;
		R_bus_in <= R_bus_out;
	    end if;
	end if;
    end process;
Second, your circuit will need to send the L_bus_out and R_bus_out signals in an unsigned format to be stored in the block ram (BRAM). To do this, you will need to convert the 2's complement values to unsigned. Performing this conversion is technically easy, but may be a little difficult to wrap your head around, so let's do some examples. Consider the table below.
Input Value Ouput Value
2's complement 2's value unsigned unsigned value
100...000 -131072 000...000 0
111...111 -1 011...111 131071
000...000 0 100...000 131072
000...001 1 100...001 131073
011...111 131071 111...111 262143
The values in the left 2 columns represent the 2's complement number coming out of the Audio Codec, in this case L_bus_out, while the right 2 columns represent the output of the box labeled "sign2unsign" in the block diagram. What we are essentially doing is shifting the unsigned values up by 131072 (the value which will make all 18-bit numbers positive) so that they all fall into a positive range. If you notice the pattern for these 5 number conversions, the lower 17-bits do not change. Only the most-significant-bit changes, and it is just inverted. In the zip file, there is a simple testbench called convert_unsigned_tb.vhdl you can modify to test this math. If you want to "not" the MSB and then concatenate "&" back the lower 17-bits, I'd recommend doing this as a std_logic_vector. You can also do this conversion with the number stored as an unsigned. In this case you can add a special number that keeps the lower 17-bits the same, but inverts the MSB. If you do this conversion correctly using the testbench, you should get an output simulation plot similar to sim_plot_test_convert.jpg in the zip file.

Here are a couple more pieces of info to help you understand the block diagram above. Consider the mux with its input going to the WRADDR input of the "BRAM_SDP" block in the block diagram. This mux circuitry attached to the write address of the BRAM will be used in Lab3, allowing the microBlaze processor to take over write duties for the RAM (as opposed to an external signal from the Audio Codec). Independent of the write circuitry, the read circuit pulls data from the RAM, and draws the waveform. Unlike for the write circuitry, the read circuitry requires no FSM control.


Since its a very complex piece of circuitry, the entity for the datapath (LAB2_DP in the block diagram) is given below.
entity lab2_datapath is
	clk : in  STD_LOGIC;
	reset_n : in  STD_LOGIC;
	ac_mclk : out STD_LOGIC;
	ac_adc_sdata : in STD_LOGIC;
	ac_dac_sdata : out STD_LOGIC;
	ac_bclk : out STD_LOGIC;
	ac_lrclk : out STD_LOGIC;
	scl : inout STD_LOGIC;
	sda : inout STD_LOGIC;	
	tmds : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
	tmdsb : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
	sw: out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
	cw: in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
	btn: in	STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4 downto 0);
	switch: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
	exWrAddr: in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
	exWen, exSel: in std_logic;
	Lbus_out, Rbus_out: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
	exLbus, exRbus: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
	flagQ: out std_logic;
	flagClear: in std_logic);
end lab2_datapath;

Flag Register

In Lab 3, we will be integrating most of the components from this lab with the MicroBlaze processor (a processor we program onto our FPGA). In order to make this smooth, we will need a way to transfer information between the two systems a technique similar to a 2-line handshake. To make this possible, you will need to build a component called a flag register. The behavior of the flag register is shown in the table below.
clk reset_n set clear Q+
0,1,falling X X X Q
rising 0 X X 0
rising 1 0 0 Q
rising 1 1 0 1
rising 1 0 1 0
rising 1 1 1 X
The 1-bit flag register will interface our lab2 component with a MicroBlaze in lab3 as follows: The LAB2 component will produce some data, put it on a data line to the MicroBlaze, and then set the flag register using the READY signal. Then, the MicroBlaze will, at some point, look at the flag register bit. When it sees that the 'set' bit is 1, the MicroBlaze will grab the data from the register and clear the set bit. These are just like the flag bits on the 382 ARM processor.


You need to map the ports of BRAM to include it in your lab2_datapath. The component is declared in the UNIMACRO library - look at that library to figure out how to port map BRAM.
	library UNIMACRO;		-- This contains links to the Xilinx block RAM
	use UNIMACRO.vcomponents.all;


The files below will give you a start on Lab 2.



Generating Audio Waveforms

Since you need to use a 3.5mm jack to input signals to the Nexys board, your phone's audio output works quite well. However, make sure you get an app where you can control both the left and right audio channels individually (i.e. the green and yellow signals in the figure above). The Keuwl Dual Channel Function Generator (available on Google Play) works well for Android Phones, and is easy to use once you get the hang of it.

Gate Checks for Required Functionality

There are 3 gate checks associated with this lab, each worth 5 points - see the rubric below. This year we will use Gradescope to track when you complete the milestones.

Gate Check 1

By COB Lesson 13, you must have started a Lab 2 Vivado project and downloaded the template files and drop in your Video, VGA, Scopeface, dvid, and tdms files from Lab 1 into your Lab 2 project in order to test your Lab 1 Scopeface works when you implement your BRAM using the two initialized signal examples in BRAM_example_init.vhd. This does not require the audio wrapper (and clockwiz_1) or your control unit is working yet, so you do not need to include these vhdl files in your design yet if you don't want to. Your Scopeface/Video should continuously be reading the left and right BRAM signals displaying them on the monitor. You must implement Video entity (from Lab 1) to take the channel output from the left and right BRAMs and send it to the Channel 1 and 2 inputs to be displayed when the readL and readR values equal the row value. Implement this on the hardware and verify that your scopeface is still present and some values are being displayed for Channel 1 (at this point the scaling may be wrong).

How do you read from BRAM continuously? From last lesson, to read we need to put the address we want to read on RDADDR, which in this case is the column requested by video; and when we enable the read RDEN, the BRAM will place the 16-bit data value at this address on DO. So to continually read, we set RDEN <= '1'. You can then compare this DO value with the current video's row, and if they are equal, let ch1 <= '1'.

After you demo this, this is a good opportunity to work on scaling the signals so their DC value is centered on your grids y-axis. Note: the DC center value on your scope is row 220, while if you grabbed the upper ten bits from the BRAM DO, its DC center value will be 512 (a difference of del_x = 512-220 = 292). How does this change the comparitor you use to assign ch1 and ch2? (which compares if ReadL = row... does it need to now compare something like if ReadL = row +/- del_x ?)

Notice from the block diagram you will copy your Video instantiation and button processes from Lab 1 into your Lab 2 Datapath.  You will also have to re-implement the Lab 1 Clocking Wizard in you Lab 2 project.  Doing this will eliminate a lot of errors from un-driven output signals on lab 2 top. Additionally your Scopeface and Button inputs from Lab 1 should be functional as well. Also, you may need to have implement another Clocking Wizard for the Audio Codec Wrapper inside the Datapath entity to get the bit stream to generate.

The demo can be live to your instructor or an image uploaded to streams.

Gate Check 2

NOTE: THIS IS THE HARDEST PART! By COB Lesson 14, you must have implemented and connected the BRAM Address Counter to left and right BRAMs, instantiated the Audio Codec Wrapper in Simulation mode (sim_live = '0'), and your control unit, such that your control unit writes the simulated audio data to the left and right BRAM and you can see the waveforms plotted on the monitor. (at this point, since there is no trigger, the waveform may or may not be scrolling across the display and the scaling may be wrong. The simulated Audio Wrapper is continually sending out 1024 samples, and if your counter (with FSM) are in sync writing 1024 values, it will be writing the same 1024 values over and over, making the output waveforms on appear stationary. If you want the simulated waveforms to scroll as if they are not triggered, change your counter rollover to a lesser value like 640... remember there are only 640 columns on scopeface displayed. Another note about this counter: since your first column on your scopeface is column 20, should you initialize the counter at 20?).

How do you write a sample from the audio wrapper to the BRAM? From last lesson, to write we need to: (1) set WE => "11" [not using this feature], (2) put the address we want to write to on WRADDR, (3) put the converted data sample from the audio wrapper on the 16-bit data input DI, and (3) signal write enable WREN = '1' with a CW from your FSM. Since the address we are writing to in the BRAM is controlled by the counter, your FSM needs to first reset the counter. Then it should wait for the Ready signal. When ready goes high, you can then save the sample (let WE = '1' with a CW), then increment the counter (with a CW to increment the counter), then compare to see if you are done counting (by checking a SW). If not done counting, then jump back to wait for ready, otherwise, start the process over by jumping to the state to reset the counter.

Reminder: You must successfully convert the signed audio data from the Audio_Codec_Wrapper into unsigned data needed for the monitor. After you demo this, this is a good opportunity to work on scaling the signals so their DC value is centered on your grids y-axis and possibly work on the trigger hardware. If this does not work, you must create a Testbench to help debug why it is not working (see example testbenches in the zip file). Reminder: implement another Clocking Wizard and the Audio Codec Wrapper inside the Datapath entity to get your Audio Codec to begin functioning (if not done in gate check 1).

The demo can be live to your instructor or an image (if stationary) or video (if scrolling) uploaded to streams.

Gate Check 3

By COB Lesson 16, redo Gate Check 2, except with the Audio Codec Wrapper in Live mode (sim_live = '1'). (at this point, since there is no trigger, the waveform will be scrolling across the display). Also make connections to loopback the serial ADC input back out to the DAC output (i.e. send the signal back into the Codec). Once you implement the design on the board, you can verify functionality by applying an audio signal to the audio line in jack (blue) and listening to it on the audio line out jack (Green), and seeing the output on the monitor. After you finish Gate Check 3, this is a good time to implement proper triggering on the trig_volt value. Besides the hardware to create the SW to signal the trigger, you'll also need to add an initial state to "wait for trigger" in your FSM. The rest of the FSM is basically the same. If this does not work, you must create a Testbench to help debug why it is not working.

The demo can be live to your instructor or a video uploaded to streams.

Required Functionality

Get a single channel of the oscilloscope to display with reliable triggering that holds the waveform at a single point on the left edge of the display (like having a fixed trigger_volt). A 220Hz waveform should display something similar to what is shown in the screenshot at the top of this page. Additionally, you must have the following done:

The demo can be live to your instructor or a video uploaded to streams.

B-level functionality

The demo can be live to your instructor or a video uploaded to streams.

A-level functionality

The demo can be live to your instructor or a video uploaded to streams.

Turn In

All your work in this lab is to be submitted using Bitbucket and you will make submission in Gradescope to record the time each milestone is completed. The main part of the lab is your README, documenting your design. The README can be in markdown, word, or a pdf, and should be uploaded to bitbucket. Your README must include the following:


Item Points
Gate Check 1 5
Gate Check 2 5
Gate Check 3 5
Required Functionality 30
B Functionality 10
A Functionality 10
Use of Git / Bitbucket 5
Code Style 10
Total 100